Student Organizations
Chi Sigma Iota
Thank you for your interest in joining the Sigma Tau Sigma Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota Counseling & Professional Honor Society International. Membership in CSI is by chapter invitation. Invitations are sent out twice a year (typically October and February).
Students meeting the criteria for membership in CSI will receive an email invitation to join. The criteria include having earned a 3.5 GPA or higher after completing 9 or more hours in the Professional Counseling Program at Texas State University. In addition, students must be recommended for membership by the chapter and this includes showing promise for the capacity to well represent professional counseling through appropriate professional behavior, ethical judgment, emotional maturity, and attitude conducive to working to advocate for wellness and human dignity for all. Once invited, you will be directed as to how to apply to join. There are both annual national dues and annual local chapter dues associated with membership.
2024-2025 Sigma Tau Sigma Leadership
President: Jonquil Murdoch
President-Elect: Gabrielle (Gabby) Fiihr,
Secretary: Jasmine Castellanos
Treasurer: Sophia Doran
Internship Fair Coordinator: Jasmine Prince
Kaleidoscope Conference Coordinator: Tahira Lopez Benevelli
Mentorship Program Coordinator: Ji (Jay) Hyun Woo