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Dragons be everywhere…
I have a nice pocket-size camera, sometimes called a “point-and-shoot” that I take everywhere I go. I love it. It's only ~3"x 2" x 1" and it slips easily into and out of my pocket for those quick and subtle picture opportunities. People ask why I don't just use my phone to take pictures. The short answer is phones, no matter what type you prefer, don't take .arw format pictures; they take .jpeg format pictures. The difference between the two formats is .arw is Sony's “raw picture format” which allows me to use an advanced photo processing software to adjust the pictures to get the greatest quality possible and to reduce the size for posting on the web. The .jpeg format has a limited ability to enhance photos…some people argue differently and as they say, haters will hate. I can also use one hand to shoot the picture which comes in handy.

Given this gold around the AC vents and computer screen, I'd have to say that this deity's power to bring gold to the bearer is strong indeed!

NOVEMBER p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7
DECEMBER p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5 p.6, p.7, p.8
MARCH p.2, p.3, p.4 p.5, p.6, p.7
APRIL p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7, p.8, p.9, p.10, p11