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The person in the blue jacket and pink/mauve pants in the picture to the right drives around selling jackfruit from the back of their motorbike. Jackfruit is very similar to durian. It tastes a little different, the exterior rind had bumps versus spikes, and the taste is sweet. What really differs significantly is the smell. Both are pungent and off-putting to many foreigners, however durian is the stronger smelling. I like the taste of both. In the lower picture, you can see where the vendor has removed the sweet tasting “pods” and sold them to the customer.
Of particular interest to me in the upper picture is the mural on the wall opposite the two people… it depicts a beautiful hand-painted scene from a province. These sort of murals are common throughout the side streets ("alleys") of Hanoi, but you must look for them or you won't notice them. They are truly hidden gems in Hanoi!