Honors Summer Math Camp

2018 HSMC Camp Life
2018 HSMC Counselors
Ron Brown Scholars
Support the Honors Summer Math Camp
To support the "Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship" for the Honors Summer Math Camp (HSMC), donate here.
The HSMC tuition fee is $6,600, but this amount only covers 90% of the true per-student cost of conducting the program, which includes room and board, faculty and staff salaries, and program management. We rely on the generous support of alumni, parents, and other thoughtful donors to provide mathematical opportunities to all interested students.
Research Projects
Students who have gone through the HSMC's first-year program and are returning have the opportunity to conduct original math research projects that may be submitted to various contests and journals. The Honors Summer Math Camp has a strong record of producing award-winning research projects. In 2009, a team from the HSMC won first place at the national level of the Siemens Competition, sharing a $100,000 college scholarship. We have had the honor of working with the Siemens competition every year since 2001. Through the years we have had 73 semifinalists teams, 25 regional finalists teams, and 5 national finalist teams. A full listing of HSMC research papers and results in the Siemens Competition is given here.
Unfortunately, Siemens is no longer holding their competitions. However we will continue to have enriching original research projects that will be available for potential publication and sent to other competitions. The research is mentor driven and can provide opportunities to present at competitions (e.g. Intel) and opportunities for submissions to research journals.
At Mathworks we value the skills and deeper understanding created through these research projects. The Honors Summer Math program offers second and third year students with an opportunity to gain first-hand research experience guided by Texas State University faculty.
Student projects have also received awards in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, as well as publications in scholarly journals.
Colloquium Guest Speakers
Click below to watch the videos from past guest speakers.