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Procurement Card

The Procurement Card is a fast, flexible alternative for processing certain goods and services from vendors that accept procurement cards. The Procurement Card Program is authorized by the State of Texas, Statewide Procurement Division. Texas State has authorized cardholders’ limited purchasing authority as outlined in the Procurement Card Policies & Procedures Manual. Cardholders will be able to purchase non-restricted goods and certain services totaling less than $2,000, directly from vendors without issuing a purchase order. 


Procurement Card Guidelines and Procedures Manual  **Updated January 2025

Lost or Stolen Card? Call: 1-800-248-4553

Vendor Hold Search T-Code: ZHOLDCHK 

The new process for checking to see if a vendor is on hold is done through SAP using the T-code ZHOLDCHK. This is required for any P-card purchase $500 or greater. A screenshot showing the report must be attached to the P-card statement for each charge $500 or greater that appears on the statement.

The hold search is no longer required for SB20 documents as vendors in SAP and TCM are blocked for payment purposes. Please note you will still be able to create POs for these vendors; however, the payment will go to the State until the vendor resolves its issue with the State.

Please refer to the training guide and video tutorial for further information.