Welcome to our RSS Feeds Page
Announcements for the Department of Procurement & Strategic Sourcing will be posted on this page so you will be informed of any new changes in a timely manner. If you are not subscribed to our RSS Feeds yet, we encourage you to do so. Please follow the below instructions on how to subscribe to our RSS Feeds.
McKesson Punch-out
We have been having some issues with duplicate invoices coming into Jagger from McKesson over the last few weeks. The issue was that we were receiving both a hard copy and a cXML invoice and the confusion had to do with orders being placed in SAP vs. Marketplace Punchout. Orders placed in SAP require a hard copy invoice since we cannot process invoices against 45** PO numbers in Jaggaer. To resolve the issue, we asked McKesson to turn off all hard copy invoices and agreed that we would ONLY place cXML orders via the Marketplace Punch-out.
Please use the punch-out ONLY when ordering from McKesson so that we can avoid confusion and duplicate invoices/ payment.
P-Card Announcement
Notice: Procurement card procedures have been updated and are in effect , if you use a PCard please review the changes. The certification testing has been updated to support the changes in our procedures. We have also updated the forms associated with the PCard. These new forms are in effect and available and will be required effective February 1st, 2025. Reminder forms should be retrieved from the Purchasing/PCard website to assure you have the most updated form.
Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Hardening State Government From The Chinese Communist Party
November 19, 2024
Governor Greg Abbott today issued an executive order to protect the State of Texas from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) malicious espionage operations. The Governor directed all state agencies and public institutions of higher education to harden state systems and safeguard critical infrastructure, intellectual property, and personal information from being accessed by hostile foreign nations that attempt to infiltrate Texas.
“Our No. 1 priority is to protect Texans, including from espionage threats from the Chinese Communist Party and its proxies,” said Governor Abbott. “The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that the Chinese government has actively targeted local and state officials as part of their strategy to undermine the national security of the United States. Hardening our state government is critical to protect Texans from hostile foreign actors who may attempt to undermine the safety and security of Texas and the nation. With this Executive Order, Texas will safeguard our critical infrastructure and information from threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party.”
At the direction of Governor Abbott, all state agencies and public institutions of higher education will begin to:
- Require any company that submits a bid or proposal to certify that none of its holding companies or subsidiaries is owned by a foreign adversary government.
- Introduce stronger background check procedures on state employees and contractors who have access to critical infrastructure.
- Prohibit state employees from accepting gifts from or work-related travel to foreign adversary countries.
- Prohibit state agencies from contracting with companies owned or controlled by a foreign adversary government.
- Prohibit higher education faculty and employees from participating in any foreign recruitment program by a foreign adversary nation.
- Employees will notify the University of any personal travel to a foreign-adversary nation prior to their travel and submit a post-travel brief outlining details of the trip, including the dates and the purpose of travel to their employer
Yesterday, Governor Abbott issued an executive order to protect Texans from the coordinated harassment and coercion by the CCP. The Federal Bureau of Investigation Houston also put out a warning to Texans that the PRC may be targeting and harassing individuals of Chinese descent who speak out against the CCP in Texas.
Read the Governor’s Executive Order here
FY 2024 Year - End Closing Calendar

You can download the FY 2024 Year - End Closing Calendar here.
Vendor Hold Search: ZHOLDCHK
The new process for checking to see if a vendor is on hold is done through SAP using the T-code ZHOLDCHK. This is required for any P-card purchase $500 or greater. A screenshot showing the report must be attached to the P-card statement for each charge $500 or greater that appears on the statement.
The hold search is no longer required for SB20 documents as vendors in SAP and TCM are blocked for payment purposes. Please note you will still be able to create POs for these vendors; however, the payment will go to the State until the vendor resolves its issue with the State.
Please refer to the training guide and video tutorial for further information.
Updated FS-06
Form and Instructions
An updated and revised version of the FS-06 Form and Instructions is now accessible on our Procurement website. Please use the new updated form here.
Nonresident Alien Honorarium & Contracted Services Payments Presentation
Thank you for attending the February FS Quarterly Updates Meeting on February 13th. As promised, the Nonresident Alien Honorarium and Contracted Services Payments presentation is now available on the Payroll and Tax Compliance Office webpage. Nonresident Alien Honorarium And Contracted Service Payments : Payroll and Tax Compliance Office : Texas State University (txst.edu)
eShipGlobal Training February 19th, 2024
eShipGlobal training February 19th Zoom Link: here
• Meeting ID: 871 6382 4273
• Passcode: 935710
Statewide Procurement Training Course Catalog
Course Catalog – Continuing Education Live Events – Statewide Procurement Education
System Course Catalog – Basic Texas Purchaser – Statewide Procurement Education System
eShipGlobal is Back on TSUS Marketplace as a Punchout
“eShipGlobal is back on TSUS Marketplace as a punchout. New features include an automatic budget check and generation of a purchase order for all shipments less than $150, provided there are not any hazardous materials being shipped. All hazardous shipments, regardless of value and transactions $150 or greater will move through normal workflow approval.
Shipping labels will not be generated for shipments greater than $150 until a purchase order has been received from Texas State. Be on the lookout for upcoming training from eShipGlobal’s team to provide campus training which will review these changes, hazmat shipping updates and other helpful tips for new system users.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact purchasing@txsate.edu with any questions or concerns.”
Updates to HUB Determination and the Proprietary Justification forms
Procurement and Strategic Sourcing has updated the HUB Determination form and the Proprietary Justification form. Please ensure you are using the most recent version from our website; you can find them under the Forms tab.
New Monthly P-Card Training Video
The new monthly PCard training video and instruction have been posted to the Procurement & Strategic Sourcing Website under Hot to Purchase / Procurement Card / Forms https://www.txst.edu/procurement/howtopurchase/procurementcard.html
Please make sure your Account Manager or Custodian of the PCard approves this method.
April 2023 Financial Services (FS) Campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar
Financial Services (FS) invites you to the campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Updates and information regarding purchasing, accounts payable, payroll and taxes, and other topics will be available during the webinar.
Questions may be submitted during the live event. Final answers and the presentation will be recorded and uploaded to Procurement and Strategic Sourcing after the event.
Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
February 2023 Financial Services (FS) Campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar
Financial Services (FS) invites you to the campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Updates and information regarding purchasing, accounts payable, payroll and taxes, and other topics will be discussed during the webinar.
Questions may be submitted during the live event. Final answers and the presentation will be recorded and uploaded to Procurement and Strategic Sourcing after the event.
Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
Caprice Productions, LLC has been bought out by The Prestigious Mark
Announcement: Caprice Productions, LLC has been bought out by The Prestigious Mark (must search using "The" before the name)
The Prestigious Mark, Vendor # 23931 (Promotional Items)
Contact: Linda Kendall, Brand Specialist
linda@tpmpromo.com, Ph: (210) 820-0093
8611 N. New Braunfels; San Antonio, TX 78217
Ph: (210) 861-7208
Please take a moment to read this letter from our BuyBoard Representative, Melanie Clendennen, where she extends an invite to the latest training courses:
Good afternoon,
I hope your new year is off to a great start. My name is Melanie Clendennen, I am your direct representative for the BuyBoard and the Energy Cooperative at TASB.
I am reaching out as I will be conducting a virtual BuyBoard training, information below. If you are not able to attend, please note I can always schedule time to meet in person or virtually to conduct a training for you and any members of staff. Please feel free to pass the invitation below to any members of staff you feel could benefit.
Going forward should you have any questions regarding BuyBoard or would like to get more information on our Energy Cooperative please feel free to reach out directly to me as well. I am here to help.
Topic: BuyBoard training
Time: Jan 17, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Topic: BuyBoard training
Time: Jan 23, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Melanie Clendennen
Consultant, Business Services
(BuyBoard, TASB Energy Cooperative, Facility Services)
Texas Association of School Boards
12007 Research Blvd. • Austin, Texas 78759-2439
512.505.2492 • 800.580.8272 • 512.483.7190 (fax)
Find us on Facebook and Twitter
BuyBoard Current Contract Listings with Descriptions
Financial Services (FS) invites you to the campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Updates and information regarding purchasing, accounts payable, travel, and other topics will be discussed during the webinar.
Questions may be submitted during the live event. Final answers and the presentation will be recorded and uploaded to Procurement and Strategic Sourcing on Friday, October 28, 2022.
Feel free to forward this message within your department to anyone that could benefit from this presentation.
Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
As we approach the end of the fiscal year, all personnel who make routine purchases, process receipts, or monitor accounts should be aware of the scheduled transaction cut-off dates.
Click here for the dates:
Due to issues with HAZARDOUS ITEMS purchased, changes have been made in the material group selection code in MarketPlace and SAP.
All hazardous items must be reviewed by Risk Management.
The marketplace continues to be impacted by unprecedented inflation, supply-chain constraints, and labor shortages, resulting in delivery delays and price increases. Summus/Staples appreciates your business and understanding as they amend their pricing to the extraordinary conditions in the marketplace.
The total impact is .03% annualized $3,853. The price for copy paper will increase from $39.99 to $41.99. The new price is set to go live on August 1.
3Play Media is the new preferred vendor for closed captioning services. Vendor #23264
Beginning June 1, 2022, The Procurement office will only be accepting the following versions of the FS06 and FS03 forms. Please use the following link to access the most updated versions of these forms.
Have a Purchase $50,000 or Greater?
Legislative Budget Board (LBB) Compliance Form
In accordance with GAA, Article IX §7.04, Texas Government Code §322.020, please fill out the LBB Compliance Form and attach it to the requisition to help facilitate required reporting of any purchase order $50,000 or greater.
If a PO is increased to $50,000 or greater, this form must also be filled out and attached to the requisition.
Amazon Purchase Issues
Use the Firefox browser when completing an Amazon order. It is the most compatible browser for a seamless purchase.
Assistance with "Shipping Address" and "Storage Location" in Marketplace
Make sure that you have set up the "Default Shipping Address" and the "Default Storage Location" before creating the requisition in Marketplace. The shipping address is where the supplier will deliver the goods from the purchase order. For our San Marcos campus, with a couple of exceptions, goods are shipped to our University Distribution Center (UDC). The TXST team at the UDC then distributes those goods across campus based on the identified storage location. Each requisition must have both a shipping address and a storage location.
Shipping Address
Many users share a common Default Ship to Address. On the San Marcos Campus, most shipments come through the University Distribution Center, or UDC. The Student Health Center is the only San Marcos exception and is for limited use. Centralized ship to default addresses is critical because they have docks, staffing, and established procedures.
The only other exclusion is the Round Rock Campus.
The Default Ship to Address is found in the General section of the Requisition.
Storage Locations
Storage locations are the second critical and department specific part of the equation that ensures departments receive the goods on the purchase order. Example: JCKL.
A complete shipping address includes the Default Ship to Address + Storage Location: UDC + JCKL.
Invalid Zip Code Error - Staples
If you are having trouble with the zip code in Staples on the Marketplace , they are working on solving the current issue with delivery zip. If you receive this error message (invalid ZIP code), replace the zip code number with “00000”. This will allow you to continue shopping.
ReadyRefresh Notices
ReadyRefresh/Nestle sent cancellations in error to several departments. ReadyRefresh will continue to supply campus water delivery. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this vendor error. Procurement is working on contracting with another water delivery company as an alternative source and will provide the campus an update as that comes to fruition.
New FS06 and FS03 Forms
Change in TSUS Marketplace Workflow Display
Marketplace has a change from Jaggaer to improve performance
Requisitioners will now need to click “What’s Next” to see the Workflow within the requisition.
NOTE: There are no personal or system preferences available to alter this change.
PDF with Q & A of the FS Updates Meeting is Posted for October 2021
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page to view the PDF.
FS Updates Meeting Posted for October 2021
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the PDF, Video of the presentation, and a short survey.
Due to the Extraordinary Market Conditions
Please view the PDF of Contract Items that Will Increase by 3%
Effective: October 23, 2021
There is a new fillable Proprietary Justification Form available on our Forms webpage and our Contracted Services webpage. Please note: If you submit an older form it will be rejected starting today, August 27, 2021.
*Please be aware that if you bookmark the actual PDF or download and save the actual PDF you may run the risk of missing future updates on forms.
Anyone entering a requisition for FY21, the fiscal year ends this Friday, AUGUST 27, 2021. The last day to issue, approve, modify, or cancel a requisition or PO is FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2021, AT NOON. Late workflow approvals and modifications are subject to cancellation/deletion. Procurement will do everything possible to complete all requisitions that are in process prior to noon; however, we are limited to time and authority to approve.
Please note when using LOWES punch out make sure you are in the San Marcos location (upper left hand corner) if your default is not San Marcos please report it to Purchasing@txstate.edu
Caprice Productions, Inc
Currently, the promotional product industry is experiencing issues with shipping/fulfillment, increasing raw material/labor costs, reduced workforce, unfavorable exchange rates, which are contributing to insufficient inventory, higher product prices and delayed delivery times for orders, making it challenging to meet client needs as rising demand for branded merchandise continues.
We are urging out clients to order ASAP to allow for delays on backorders in stock or production.
Enhanced, Streamlined & Familiar Purchasing Option for Texas State Employees
Procurement & Strategic Sourcing is excited to bring you a new purchasing program between Texas State University and Amazon Business
Effective July 7
All University Amazon purchases will be made through the TXST Amazon Business account tile found on the TSUS Marketplace.*
Purchasing through Amazon Business provides TXST employees ease of use, a familiar platform, opportunities to compare pricing and quick turnaround on purchases.
Learn More
- Live training event June 30, at 2 p.m.
- All TXST employees are invited and encouraged to attend.
- Join the event at P&SS Amazon Business Launch Training June 30.
- For your convenience, a recording of the presentation will be posted at Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
*Note to Current Amazon Users: To use the TSUS Marketplace, current users who purchase through Amazon will have to update their account. If you are presently using Amazon, look for emails in the coming days with special instructions.
Amazon Business FAQs, Training & Instructions
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the PDF, Video of the presentation, and a short survey.
Staff Resource Fair Presentation
We provided a presentation in the Staff Resource Fair on April 13, 2021. We are providing it here as promised. Check out the Power Point Presentation for great resources and links to assist with your procurements.
The Marketplace will be transitioning to the new interface improvements on April 11, 2021. All the same features will exist but within a new environment. See more detailed information by checking out the New User Experience.
On April 9th the Marketplace will be transitioned to a new look. All the same features will exist but within a new environment. You may try the new user experience before hand at any time by toggling between the classic and new user experience.
There is an updated Signature Authority List. This list, which identifies persons who may sign contracts on behalf of Texas State University, is located on the Contract Authority webpage.
The updates are as follows:
• Add Line 28 - In accordance with Chapter III, Section I 0.25 of TSUS Rules and Regulations, the President delegates to the VPFSS, or their designated representative in their absence, authorization to execute all contracts less than $500,000 (including research grants and contracts), agreements, licenses, and reports, whether financial or programmatic, on behalf of the university.
Signature Authority: Vice President for Finance and Support Services
Justification: This simply includes the Board Rule in our list.
• Add Line 29 - Licenses, permits, plans and reports involving environmental health; radiation and chemical use, storage, and disposal; fire and life safety issues; or insurance and risk management for local, state, and federal agencies which do not create a financial obligation.
Signature Authority: Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management
Justification: All environmental and life safety agreements and documents should be reviewed and approved by the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management. Previously there has not been any signature authority delegated for zero-dollar documents of this type.
Due to the inclement weather - Fisher Shipments out of Dallas will be delayed.
We have a new FS-06 Form that can be found on our website at https://www.txstate.edu/procurement/forms.html
We will no longer accept old forms after April 1, 2021. Please note, it is the responsibility of the Department to get this form fully approved by Vendor Request before creating a requisition, eNPO, or TCM Form Request.
The Vendor Maintenance website has important updates.
Under University Employee Links, the following 3 PDFs are available for your use
- How to Set up New Vendor in PaymentWorks
- How to update Existing Vendor in PaymentWorks
- Submitting an FS-06
Under Supplier Links, the following PDF is available for you to send to vendors showing them the process and what to expect.
- Registration Process in PaymentWorks for Vendors
All vendor related questions and concerns, including questions or concerns about the FS-06 Form should be sent to vendorrequests@txstate.edu.
The Procurement and Strategic Sourcing Office will be putting higher scrutiny on all e-NPO’s. The e-NPO documents are considered to be “After-the-Fact” purchases which are out of compliance. There are occasional exceptions that occur, but Purchase Orders should be used for most procurements to comply with State of Texas purchasing requirements and university policy. In accordance with UPPS 05.02.02 “Persons making unauthorized purchases may be held personally liable for any damages resulting from the repudiation of the contract or purchase order.”
In the event an e-NPO is used for a vendor payment it must be accompanied with an invoice and if for a contractor payment with an invoice or a “Contract Services Payment Voucher” (FS-03), and an “Employee vs. Independent Contractor Determination” (FS-06). As an alternative, departments can use a P-Card or purchase from an existing contracted vendor.
For more information on the e-NPO requirements and the process review the e-NPO Procedures.
Using the P-Card is acceptable for purchases with a TXST preferred contract/supplier in The TSUS Marketplace under $500 without a waiver.
Department P-Cards will have a person that is responsible for that card. That person will be referred to as a Custodian. The Custodian will have the same responsibilities and requirements as a P-Card Holder.
Account Manager/PI Approval and signing the P-Card transaction logs should be completed within five days after the Cardholder/Custodian has completed the reconciliation.
The standard single transaction limit is Increased from $1,000 to $2,000.
The standard monthly transaction limit is increased from $5,000 to $10,000.
A Request for P-Card Card Limit Increase Form is required if you need to increase spending limit(s). This form will replace the waiver form and can be used for increases only.
If the waiver/increase request is for Awards/Food/Flowers/Refreshments, an AP-12 form is required to be submitted as well.
Account Managers are not required to take the annual P-Card certification training, but It is recommended that they do if P-Cards are issued on accounts for which they are responsible.
Transaction verification must occur by the 20th of each month.
Verify that a potential vendor is not on "Vendor Hold" with the State of Texas for all purchases over $500, before the purchase is made, excluding emergency purchases.
FS Updates Meeting Posted for February 2021
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the PDF, Video of the presentation, and a short survey.
Order Your Masks & Disinfecting Supplies
In Stock & Ready to Deliver
Disposable masks
Maroon cloth masks
Smile masks
Face shields
Personal hand sanitizer spray bottles
Requirements for Ordering
Order via COVID-19 Supply Orders
Requests should be submitted from only one designee per department.
Delivery to one location per department. Classrooms are equipped with cleaning kits and handled outside of this process.
ASTM Disposable Mask Available for Faculty
Provide Number of Faculty Members
We issue one (1) per day per faculty member
We will expedite delivery of these items
PLEASE NOTE: If you are in need of PPE items that are NOT available via the AiM request then please source through the normal purchase requisition process from one of the suppliers on our PPE LIST.
Updated Proprietary Justification Form has been added:
We have updated the Proprietary Justification Form to a fill-able form and the Proprietary Writing Guidance has been updated as well to assist you. Both of these forms can be found on the FORMS page of our website. Go to our FORMS Webpage first to find forms related to procurement.
We have moved ReadyRefresh back to vendor 12262:
You DO NOT need to cancel any POs that were created on 22885, but once all have been processed, this vendor will be blocked.
Please use vendor 12262 moving forward.
If you have any questions, please email me at vendorrequests@txstate.edu.
I apologize for any inconvenience, this was opened in error.
Lisa Doherty
Vendor Maintenance
Procurement and Strategic Sourcing
Texas State University
512-245-2393 (fax)
New Strategic Partners Awarded for All Promotional & Branded Items:
- AJL Advertising Specialties Inc.
- Contact: Lee Lundin
- Email: lee@ajladvertising.com
- Caprice
- Contact: Cathy Dunham
- Email: cathy@capriceproductions.com
- RiverCity Screenprinting & Embroidery
- Email: sales@welogoit.com
New Janitorial Suppliers Awarded:
New contracts have been awarded for janitorial supplies to ABCO, Staples & Gulf Coast.
If you are ordering items from Staples please use TXST-UNIVSOL-2020-5872-Procure.
Contact Information for Janitorial Supplies Companies:
- ABCO Paper:
- Contact: Kahled Nouielty
- Email: kn@abcopaper.com
- Staples:
- Contact: Kim Howard
- Email: kim.howard@staples.com TXST-UNIVSOL-2020-5872-Procure
- Gulf Coast Paper:
- Robin Mears
- Email: rmears@gulfcoastpaper.com
Important Changes for Water Orders:
ReadyRefresh is the main supplier of water delivery and installed water systems on campus. These purchases will no longer be paid by Purchase Order. There is now a PCard for purchases made from Ready Refresh.
- If you have not picked yours up; please do so as soon as possible.
- If you do not have a PCard for ReadyRefresh: Contact PCard by emailing p_card@txstate.edu to request one.
Staples is also available via Marketplace punch-out to order bottled water. Please reference contract TXST-UNIVSOL-2020-5471-Procure.
Important PCard Announcement:
It was announced at the recent FS Updates Quarterly Meeting that due to our non-compliance findings from our PCard Audit it is now REQUIRED that ALL signed PCard Logs be scanned and emailed to p_card@txstate.edu by the 20th of each month.
It is NOT required to send receipts.
It is NOT required to send a log IF there have been NO transactions for that period.
FS Updates Meeting Posted for October 2020
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the PDF of the presentation and a short survey.
NOTICE: Deadline for End of FY20 - August 28, 2020 @ 12 Noon
The last day to approve FY 2020 Requisitions or FY 2020 PO Modifications/Cancellations is August 28 by 12:00 Noon. Any Requisitions or Purchase Orders not approved by that time will be deleted.
All Departments will no longer be receiving PCard Statements in the mail. They will now be delivered 4 days early via email. You may create a copy if needed.
FS Updates Meeting Posted for July 2020
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the PDF of the presentation and a short survey.
Procurement and Strategic Sourcing is excited to announce there will be NO delivery fee associated with Lowes deliveries!
Reporting Additional COVID-19 Expenses:
How to retrieve the document number to report additional COVID-19 related documents into the SAP COVID-19 portal tile.
PPE for Covid-19:
Please visit our new PPE (Personal protective equipment) page to find information on our vendors as well as what items are considered Qualified and NON-Qualified PPE.
As a reminder: Be sure to order COVID-19 items separately for tracking purposes.
FS Updates Meeting Posted for April 2020
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the Video of the meeting, PDF of the presentation and a short survey.
Changes to MSC on Marketplace:
MSC has a new HUB partnership with Casada. The TSUS Marketplace punch-out for MSC (vendor #516923) is no longer available on the Marketplace. Until MSC/Casada (vendor #535477) can be added to the Marketplace as a punch-out, you will need to contact MSC for quotes and submit orders as a non-catalog requisition under Casada (535477).
Reminder: Open Encumbrances
Please remember to periodically check your Open Encumbrance Report (ZOPEN_ENCUMBRANCE) and request closures from the Procurement Office as necessary.
Updated HUB Determination Form
Texas State University requires any purchase $90,000 or greater to have a HUB Determination Form to determine probability of subcontracting opportunities. If Subcontracting Opportunities are found to be probable, completion of a HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) will be required.
Please note: In accordance with 34 TAC §20.28, a “Subcontractor” means a person who contracts with a prime contractor to work, to supply commodities, or to contribute toward completing work for a governmental entity.
2020 Vendor Fair & HUB Showcase/2020 Vendor Fair & HUB Showcase - Round Rock Campus
Notice to our Vendors
Texas State Procurement & Strategic Sourcing team is working hard during the continuously evolving challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are supporting Texas State vendors with frequent communication on important changes and resources that assure continuity of service.
We encourage vendors, who have not enrolled in credit card payment or, direct deposit to consider this more convenient process for receiving your payments. It also helps us practice social distancing. Please take a moment to read the direct deposit and credit card payment instructions and sign up today.
It is important for all our valued vendors to take this step now as an extra precaution to limit disruptions in the payment process. We cannot guarantee that you will receive your payment in a timely manner while the university community is operating under a COVID-19 shelter-in-place order with limited in-person staffing.
e-NPO Screen Changes – COVID-19 Tracking (032720A)
Effective today, when creating an e-NPO, you must select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as shown below indicating if the expense captured on the e-NPO is related to COVID-19 or not. The new requirement fields are directly under the Vendor Number section on the e-NPO screen.
When creating the e-NPO document, you cannot combine COVID-19 with other business expenses; they must be on separate e-NPO documents. This is because you cannot select both ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ on the e-NPO document. The expenses must either all be related to COVID-19 (select ‘Yes’) or not related to COVID-19 (select ‘No’). This new question is a required field, therefore, the e-NPO will not be able to be created without a selection. If no selection is entered, you will receive the following error message:
Approvers will see the selection when reviewing the e-NPO in workflow. It will show to the right of the Vendor Number on their screen (but it will not be highlighted as below, which was done for emphasis).
FS Updates Meeting Posted for January 2020
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the Video of the meeting, PDF of the presentation and a short survey.
UPDATE: Independent Contractor Determination Form FS-06
Be aware that if you are searching txstate.edu website for the FS-06 Form; the first result will be our Personal Services Contracts page on the Purchasing website which is where the FS-06 Form is located.
The updated form may be found on our Forms Page.
FS Updates Meeting Posted for October 2019
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the Video of the meeting, PDF of the presentation and a short survey.
Warning of Phishing Email from iprinttechnologies
This is an example of an email that is currently circulating on campus. This company is NOT tied to Texas State University or the Department of Procurement & Strategic Sourcing. If you receive this email do not open it or the attachment. Please immediately forward it to abuse@txstate.edu.
Thank you.
Embassy Suites San Marcos - New Vendor Number (05/31/19A)
Please use vendor number 533773 for Embassy Suites San Marcos Hotel and Conference Center.
Requisition for Food and Beverage Purchases (05/31/19A)
All food and beverage requisitions should be created as a limit framework requisition. Requisition must include:
- A valid business purpose.
- Attendee list with attendees identified (staff, student, etc.) when required (less than 20 attendees).
- Any other required PO data per policy, including proper approvals for an all-employee event not covered by FSS/PPS 03.11 or UPPS 03-01-18.
The first line must include all the following items bundled together:
- Cost of food and beverages (excluding alcohol, requires specific funding)
- Rentals (linens, china, etc.)
- Service Fee
- Delivery Fee
- Tip
Alcohol must be listed on a separate line.
The comptroller general ledger fund numbers related to food and beverage purchases:
729900 – Purchased Contract Services (DO NOT USE THIS ACCOUNT) Not to be used for catering services.
731500 – Food Purchased – State Funds (DO NOT USE THIS ACCOUNT) State funds cannot be used for food or beverages for personal consumption at events.
731600 – Food Purchased – Local Funds – Use this fund for all food purchases
731601 – Food Purchased – Bottled Water – Local Funds – Bottled water only (outside of catering events). State funds cannot be used to purchase water. Follow UPPS 03.01.03 (sec 01.05 L) policy for exceptions to purchase of bottled water.
790101 – Purchase of Alcohol – Local Funds
Note: The AP-12 Form is available for capturing all the required data for these types of events and defines the requirements needed to process a requisition. To avoid any delays, please use the AP-12 form and attach to the requisition to ensure timely payment of the invoice,
For step-by-step instructions on how to create a limit framework requisition, please visit Create a Limit Framework Requisition.
FS Updates Meeting Posted for January 2019
Please go to our FS Updates Meeting page for the Video presentation and PDF of the meeting and the PDF.
Instructions for Completion of SAP Software Requisition (10292018A)
Follow the link for a quick guide to completing software purchases via SAP.
TIBH Industries is now WorkQuest!
In recognition of our 40th anniversary, we are excited to announce that TIBH Industries, Inc. is now WorkQuest, a name we feel embodies our mission to serve Texans with disabilities.
On this journey, we’ve forged a pathway, connecting people with meaningful employment opportunities, improving their quality of life and moving business forward in a profoundly meaningful way. Together, we have dared to imagine something bigger than ourselves.
While our name has changed, our commitment to our mission—and to each of you—remains constant.
Together, we are WorkQuest!
Reminder: Invoices without PO Numbers (091818A)
As mentioned at the October 27th Bobcat Buyers Meeting, invoices received for payment without a PO number will be returned to the vendor by Accounts Payable and considered as disputed until the vendor provides a revised invoice with the PO number included.
Please ensure that when you are placing an order with a vendor you provide a PO number and remind them to include the number on the invoice. This will minimize the impact or delay they may experience if they provide an invoice without a PO number for payment. As vendors become more aware of the PO number requirement, they may request the PO number before accepting the order.
FedEx Service Alert (091218A)
We received a service alert email from FedEx. Please see the link below to access the email regarding service delays and disruptions.
Scam Alert (090718A)
Please be on the lookout for emails coming in that are like the one below. THIS IS A SCAM. Please do not purchase anything they are asking. If you receive an email like this, please forward the email as an attachment to abuse@txstate.edu. If you have any questions, please call the purchasing office or ITAC.
From: Dan Alden <president1@socal.rr.com>
To: XXX@txstate.edu
Subject: Request Today/ Purchase Card
l'll need you to run a quick task ASAP.
I want you to ge some gift cards for me in today at the store, Wallmart.
get back to me so I can let you know the type of gift card and denominations.
P.S: I'm busy at the moment and cant take calls right now email me back.
Sent from my Mobile Device
TSUS Marketplace Application Error
Marketplace is experiencing difficulty with the links included in emails to facilitate approvals. This is not specific to Texas State but all institutions that use the email functionality. Jaggaer, the software provider is working to resolve the issue. We will keep you posted on their progress. In the meantime, please login to the Marketplace to execute your approvals.
Revised Request for Recurring Payments Form (052918B)
A revised Request for Recurring Payments form is now located on the PSS website. Click on the link provided in the prior sentence to access the form. The terms and conditions section of this form is vital for A/P to process payment on time as it includes the date ranges, amount to pay and payment due dates. The form must be attached to the purchase requisition for recurring payment to occur.
This form is required for any recurring payments such as car leases, office rental space, and Summer REU participants.
Do note that the upcoming 2018 Summer REU purchase requisitions will need the completed form attached. As mentioned above, this will ensure that payments are issued to the individuals in that program per the timeline that was communicated to them..
Vendor Numbers on Purchase Requisitions (042018A)
Please remember that it is never acceptable to use a vendor number that starts with a “6” that is six digits in length (e.g. 612345) on a purchase requisition. That number series is used for payee links tied to the main vendor record. For example, the payee link is used when another address (e.g. remit to address) is needed for sending check payments rather than to the main vendor address.
Remember there are some vendor numbers that start with a “6” that can be used on purchase requisitions. These numbers are NOT six-digits in length. Use the number of digits as the identifier between main vendor numbers and payee link numbers to help you with the selection of the correct vendor number on your requisition.
To avoid having your purchase requisition rejected for corrections, please update your procedures with a note that “6” payee link numbers (six digits) can never be used on purchase requisitions.
A New Version of the Vendor Forms is Now Posted
Please be aware that new vendor forms have been posted to the Procurement & Strategic Sourcing Website (http://www.txstate.edu/procurement/). The forms have been separated between Individuals and Entities to help avoid confusion with notary requirements. All earlier versions of the forms should be replaced with the new version.
Beginning March 1, 2018, ONLY the new version of the vendor forms will be accepted.
Logistics Services Notice 011918A
Inbound and outbound shipping services will not be available with Broussard Logistics effective February 1st of 2018. However, Broussard Logistics will continue to be our strategic partner for international and hazardous shipments.
Inbound and Outbound:
For inbound shipments departments are advised to avail of “pre-pay and add” offered by our vendors for inbound shipments. Please ensure vendors provide shipping cost FOB the University Warehouse on their proposal/invoice. Vendors will have access to State of Texas shipping rates through the following accounts:
FedEx 828957503
UPS 3Y2592
All vendors should utilize the above listed accounts for inbound and outbound shipping. Vendor shipping cost should not exceed these state rates.
Moving forward we will be exploring a one stop solution with options for inbound and outbound services for shipping packages and large freight.
FedEx Service Alert 011818A
We received a service alert email from FedEx. Please see the link below to access the email regarding service delays and disruptions.
FedEx Service Alert 011718A
We received a service alert email from FedEx. Please see the link below to access the email regarding service delays and disruptions.
FedEx Service Alert 011218A
We received a service alert email from FedEx. Please see the link below to access the email regarding service delays and disruptions.
FedEx Service Alert 011118A
We received a service alert email from FedEx. Please see the link below to access the email regarding service delays and disruptions.
New Payee Substitute W-9 Form 122017A
Beginning January 1, 2018 a new “Payee Substitute W-9 Form” will be posted to the Procurement and Strategic Sourcing website (http://www.txstate.edu/procurement/) for vendor and personal services setup/changes. All earlier versions of the form should be replaced with the new version. Starting February 1, 2018 ONLY the new version will be accepted.
Recalls 071317A
We have added a Recall tab to our website. Please make sure to visit our new tab often. We recently received letters from vendors regarding recalls on items. Below is the link to access the recall letters. We will continue to update this tab as needed and will also make an announcement on our RSS feed.
Good afternoon,
I hope your new year is off to a great start. My name is Melanie Clendennen, I am your direct representative for the BuyBoard and the Energy Cooperative at TASB.
I am reaching out as I will be conducting a virtual BuyBoard training, information below. If you are not able to attend, please note I can always schedule time to meet in person or virtually to conduct a training for you and any members of staff. Please feel free to pass the invitation below to any members of staff you feel could benefit.
Going forward should you have any questions regarding BuyBoard or would like to get more information on our Energy Cooperative please feel free to reach out directly to me as well. I am here to help.
Topic: BuyBoard training
Time: Jan 17, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Topic: BuyBoard training
Time: Jan 23, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Melanie Clendennen
Consultant, Business Services
(BuyBoard, TASB Energy Cooperative, Facility Services)
Texas Association of School Boards
12007 Research Blvd. • Austin, Texas 78759-2439
512.505.2492 • 800.580.8272 • 512.483.7190 (fax)
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