Support & Resources
Welcome to the program and congratulations on your decision to pursue your studies in Adult, Professional, and Community Education!

The Master of Arts in Adult, Professional and Community Education is an academically rigorous and student-focused program. It is designed for individuals working in or aspiring to work in adult education programs in diverse settings including community-based organizations, government agencies, business and industry, and postsecondary education programs for adults.
The program prepares reflective practitioners to teach, develop, and manage adult educational programs, and to conduct applied research for the improvement of practice. As part of this practice, we want to create a culture of self-directedness and independent learning. We would like our students to feel supported through their residence in the program and at the same time be self-directed. Therefore, here you will find a wide range of support videos, resources, and materials for your use, especially if you are a brand new student. Please explore these resources and materials and let us know how we can continue to improve this page.
Best regards,
Dr. Jeremy Bohonos
Program Coordinator, Adult, Professional, and Community Education Program