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Superintendency Practicum Application Form

Important points to keep in mind:

  1. You are eligible for the Superintendent Practicum (EDCL 6389-Fall and EDCL 6390-Spring) if you have
    1. satisfactorily completed ED 7347 - The Superintendency
    2. received approval from the superintendent certification program advisor
    3. a current superintendent who has agreed to serve as your superintendent mentor.
  2. The Texas State University superintendent certification program and practicum is designed to incorporate all of the state requirements found under rule 228.35 of Title 17, Part 7 of the Texas Administrative Code as well as the standards for the superintendent certificate in rule 242.15.
  3. You will need a TEA ID number to register for the superintendent certification exam and obtain your superintendent certificate. Click here for information on finding or obtaining a TEA ID number.
    1. You will receive a confirmation page when you submit your application and will be contacted by your Texas State University supervisor prior to the beginning of the semester.
  4. Please email us at with any further questions.

Personal/School Information

District Mentor (e.g. Superintendent) Information

My signature below verifies that the district mentor listed above has approved my practicum and has agreed to serve as my district supervisor. I understand that I may be denied a practicum placement if this approval has not been obtained. *
I understand that if my internship site changes, I will need to complete another internship application online. *