Invisible Children

We are storytellers. We are visionaries, humanitarians, artists, and entrepreneurs. We are individuals part of a generation eager for change and willing to pursue it.
As a non-profit we work to transform apathy into activism. By documenting the lives of those living in regions of conflict and injustice, we hope to educate and inspire individuals in San Marcos and the surrounding communities to use their unique voice for change. Our media and events create an opportunity for people to become part of a grassroots movement that intelligently responds to what's happening in the world.
But our work extends beyond our borders. In war-affected regions we focus on long-term development, working directly with individuals and institutions that are eager to realize their full potential. Through education and innovative economic opportunities, we partner with affected communities and strive to improve the quality of life for individuals living in conflict and post-conflict regions.
You can get involved on campus with Invisible Children TXState by contacting Kim Rinehart at We are always in need of more volunteers, venues, and any ideas on how we as a group of peers can make a difference in our world. We are the generation that has to take action, and we are ready to do so. Every cent that we make, every idea that we turn, every voice that's raised goes directly to Invisible Children to fund the current projects in Uganda.
Here's our events coming soon:
- Invisible Children Movie Screenings: March 5th, 8pm @ The Coffee Pot on the square, March 24th @ Tantra Coffeehouse on E. Hopkins by the little HEB
- Invisible Children, ICPeace Benefit Concert and Art Auction, March 21st @ 7pm- Tantra Coffeehouse- $3 cover donation
- "Something to Dye For" tie-dye event- the week after spring break in the Mall (between Alkek and LBJ); $5 to buy and dye a shirt, $3 to dye your own stuff, $1 for an official Invisible Children logo stencil spray-painted on whatever you bring to us
- ICing for IC open mike nights at The Coffee Pot- all through the month of April