Joellen E. Coryell, Ph.D.

Adult, Professional, and Community Education
Joellen E. Coryell is Professor in Adult, Professional, and Community Education at Texas State University. She earned a B.A. in International Economics from the University of Illinois, an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction with a cognate in English as a Second Language from Texas State University, and a Ph.D. in Educational Human Resource Development from Texas A&M University. She has worked across her career in executive business management and corporate training, in English language acquisition to students from childhood to adulthood, as an instructional designer in health science education, and as faculty and program coordinator in adult education graduate programs. She has a passion for travel and cross-cultural learning and for understanding the influences of experience, knowledge, and culture on learning and teaching in higher education. She has studied Italian and Spanish for many years and has worked in Italy for over 10 years in study abroad programs and faculty professional development workshops.
Dr. Coryell's research focuses on (1) international cross-cultural adult and higher education and (2) the investment in the professional development of adult educators and leaders. Using sociocultural theory and Lave and Wenger's theoretical work on situated learning and communities of practice, her research is primarily conducted through case studies, participant interviews, focus groups, and open-ended surveys. Her methods include narrative, thematic, within case and across case, symbolic convergence, and constant-comparison analyses. She currently is Co-Editor-In-Chief of New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education and as the faculty sponsor of the Memorandum of Understanding between Texas State University and the Università degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD). Within this partnership, she engages in faculty teaching exchange; student international field studies in Padova with courses based on comparative international adult, higher, and professional education; and multiple collaborative research projects focused on faculty instructional development and student research development. Along with UNIPD, she also works with other Italian universities conducting faculty and student development workshops on team development, active learning and teaching, instructional development, knowledge sharing and problem solving, and internationalization of adult higher education. Dr. Coryell received a Fulbright Core Scholar Grant to Italy for 2018-2019 at Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (LUMSA) in Rome in which she engaged in teaching and research activities that link to issues and needs for internationalization of adult and higher education teaching and learning.
Phone: 512.245.1856
Office: ASBS 326
Mailing Address:
601 University Drive
ASB South 326
San Marcos, TX 78666
B.A., International Economics, The University of Illinois
M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, Texas State University
Ph.D., Educational Human Resource Development, Texas A&M University
Courses Taught
ED 7311 Education Philosophy in a Social Context
ED 7313 Advanced Studies in Adult Learning and Development
ED 7315 Models of Inquiry: Understanding Epistemologies
ED 7320 Literature Review for Research Writing
ED 7324 Problems and Strategies of Program Planning
ED 7341 Dissertation Proposal Writing
ED 7364 Team Development in Education
ED 7378 /ADED 6388 Seminar in International Educational Research: New Zealand
ED 7379P Problems in Education: International Comparative Adult, Professional, and Higher Education (with Study Tour): Northern Italy
ED 7379 Independent Study: Narrative Analysis
ED 7379 Independent Study: Phenomenology
ADED 7343 Organizational Learning and Development
ADED 7325 Teaching Adults
ADED 5384 Internship
ADED 5344 Multicultural Perspectives
ADED 5321 Adult Learning and Development
Research Interest
Selected Publications
Stephens, M., & Coryell, J. E. (In-press). Faculty perspectives on context, benefits, and challenges in fully online graduate adult education programs. Adult Learning.
Coryell, J. E. (2020). Reflections on higher education international service-learning, post-disaster communities, and international educational research. Educatio Catholica, V(2/3). 87-95.
Coryell, J. E., Fedeli, M., & *Lapina Salazar, A. (2020). Survey of faculty instructional professional development for teaching international graduate students: The case of the Università degli Studi di Padova. Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching, 2, 22-41. DOI:10.3280/EXI2019-002002
Coryell, J. E. (2020). Active learning: Strategie e techniche per coinvolgere. Educational Reflective Practices, 9(1). 58-78. DOI: 10.3280/ERP2019-001005
*Davis, B., & Coryell, J. E. (2020). Relationships, engagement, and characteristics of a community of practice in short-term adult study abroad. Adult Learning, 31(1) 17-26. DOI:10.1177/1045159519849903
Coryell, J. E., Sehin, O., & *Peña, C. (2018). Adult education through a cosmopolitan lens: A review of the research literature. Adult Education Quarterly, 68(3), 179-196. DOI: 10.1177/0741713618761092
Coryell, J. E. (2018). Learning to teach: Adult learning theory and methodologies for creating effective learning environments and promoting students’ active learning. In E. Felisatti & A. Serbati (Eds.),Sviluppare la professionalità docente e innovare la didattica universitaria (pp. 53-66). Milano: Franco Angeli. [refereed].
Sehin, O., & Coryell, J. E., & Stewart, P. (2017). Engendering hope: Women’s community (dis)engagement in Afghanistan. Adult Learning, 28(3), 91-98. DOI: 10.1177/1045159516679357
Coryell, J. E. (2017). Adult learning in study abroad. In S. C. O. Conceição, L. G. Martin, & A. B. Knox (Eds.), International compendium of adult and continuing education: Mapping the adult and continuing education field (pp. 187-190). Sterling, VA: Stylus. [refereed].
Coryell, J. E., Sailors, M., *Nelson, R., & *Sehin, O. (2016). Capacity building at mid-programme: An international education development programme in Malawi. Development in Practice, 26(3), 272–284. DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2016.1150416.
Coryell, J. E., Stewart, P., *Wubbena, Z., *Spencer, B. J., & *Valverde, C. (2016). International service-learning, study abroad, and global citizenship development in a post-disaster locale. In D. Velliaris (Ed.),Handbook of Research on Study Abroad Programs and Outbound Mobility (pp. 420-445). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [refereed].
Coryell, J. E. (2016). Creating and sustaining teaching and learning centers: Models of resources and support, lessons learned, and building a culture of teaching and learning excellence. Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Research and Practices, 1(1), 71-83.
Coryell, J.E. (2016). Active learning and interactive lectures. In M. Fedeli, V. Grion, & D. Frison (Eds.), Coinvolgere per apprendere. Metodi e tecniche participative per insegnare (pp. 141-163). Lecce, Italy: Pensa Multimedia. [refereed].
Fedeli, M., & Coryell, J. E. (2015). Investigating teaching and learning methods in Italian universities and beyond: The quest to improve and share practices and strategies in the international higher education context. Educational Reflective Practices, 4(2), 35-50. DOI: 10.3280/ERP2014-002003.
Nguyen, S. R., & Coryell, J. E. (2015). Flipping the script in study abroad participation: The influence of popular culture and social networks on perceptions and motives. Journal of International Students, 5(1), 23-37.
Dentith, A., Wright, R. R., & Coryell, J. E. (2015). Those “Mean Girls and their Friends”: Bullies and Mob Rule in the Academy. Adult Learning, 26(1) 28-34. DOI: 10.1177/1045159514558409
Coryell, J. E., & *Murray, K. (2014). Adult learning and doctoral student research forum participation: Insights into the nature of professional participatory experience. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, 309-327. Retrieved from
Coryell, J. E., *Spencer, B. J., & *Sehin, O. (2014). Cosmopolitan adult education and global citizenship: Perceptions from a European itinerant graduate professional study abroad program. Adult Education Quarterly, 64(2), 147-166. DOI:10.1177/0741713613515067
Coryell, J. E. (2013). Collaborative comparative inquiry and transformative cross-cultural adult learning and teaching: A Western educator metanarrative and inspiring a global vision. Adult Education Quarterly, 63(4), 299-320. DOI: 10.1177/0741713612471420
Coryell, J. E. (2013). Learning on-location: Evaluating the instructional design for just-in-time learning in Italian interdisciplinary short-term study abroad. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 24(2), 5-31.
Fedeli, M., *Giampaolo, M., & Coryell, J. E. (2013). The use of learning contracts within an Italian university setting. Adult Learning, 24(3), 104-111. DOI: 10.1177/1045159513489113.
Coryell, J. E., Clark, M. C., Wagner, S., & Stuessy, C. (2013). Becoming real: Impressions of developing an educational researcher identity. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37(3), 367-383. DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2011.645456.