Lisa Baumgartner, Ed.D.

Adult Education
Adult learning and development in marginalized populations
Identity development
Issues of diversity
Lisa M. Baumgartner is a professor of adult education at Texas State University, San Marcos. She received her doctorate in Adult Education from the University of Georgia in 2000. Her research and writing focus on adult learning and development in marginalized populations and transformative learning. She has taught courses in adult development, adult learning, critical and feminist theory, feminist pedagogy, teaching adults, methods of inquiry, and education for older adults. A recipient of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation Cyril O. Houle Scholars Research Grant for Emerging Scholars in Adult Education, she completed a study on civil rights activist Septima P. Clark’s lifelong contributions to adult education. She received the Cyril O. Houle Award for Outstanding Literature in Adult Education for the co-authored text Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide (3rd & 4th eds). She was a co-editor of Adult Education Quarterly and serves on the numerous editorial boards. In 2015, she was a co-recipient of the National Association of Student Affairs Professionals Campus-Based Research/Literature Award, Region IV-W, for her research concerning student affairs professionals’ experiences in learning assessment. In 2019, she received the Circle of 50 Award from the Learning, Leadership and Organizational Development Program at the University of Georgia. Awardees are seen as having made an impact on the research and practice of adult education, learning, leadership and organizational development. Her research and scholarship have appeared in Adult Education Quarterly, Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, Gender, Work and Organization, Journal of Transformative Education, Qualitative Health Research, Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, Dialogues in Social Justice, The Qualitative Report, and Adult Learning.
Phone: 512.245.8084
Office: ASBS 323
Mailing Address:
601 University Drive
ASB South 323
San Marcos, TX 78666
Ed. D. in Adult Education University of Georgia, Athens, GA August 15, 2000 Dissertation Title: The Incorporation of HIV/AIDS into Identity over Time
Certificate in Community College Teaching University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN December 15, 1995
M. A. in Counseling Psychology Ball State University, Muncie, IN May 6, 1989
B. A. in Psychology
Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN (Now Augsburg University) May 25, 1986
Major: Psychology
Minors: English and Religion
Courses Taught
ED 7322 Human Resource and Professional Development
ADED 7325 Teaching Adults: Principles and Practices
ED 7315 Models of Inquiry: Understanding Epistemologies
ED 7321 History, Philosophy, and Contemporary Issues in Adult Education
Research Interest
Learning and development in marginalized populations such as those living with chronic illness, women in jails, and older adults.
Selected Publications
Coryell, J., Baumgartner, L., & Bohonos, J. (eds). (under contract). Methods of facilitating adult learning. Stylus
Deer, S., Zarestky, J., & Baumgartner, L. M. (2021). ‘Relive my life from scratch’: Learning through transition for women exiting the sex trade. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 29, 100501.
Baumgartner, L. M., Jin, B., & Kim, J. (in press). The portrayal of older adults in Adult Learning. 1989-2020. Adult Learning
Merriam, S. B. & Baumgartner, L. M. (2020). Learning in adulthood: A comprehensive guide. (4th ed). Jossey-Bass.
Deer, S., Zarestky, J., & Baumgartner, L. M. (2020). “Learning to hustle for the good: Women’s work transitions out of the sex trade.” Human Resource Development Quarterly, 31(1), 31-48.