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Site-Based Internship

Prior to enrolling in a Site-based Internship (COUN 5389) section, prospective student interns are required to apply to be admitted into Internship. Applications are tailored to the course sections offered each semester, and students rank order preferences of each section. Along with this choice, students are also to provide documentation of their clinical evaluations from previous classes, amount of degree completion through a degree audit, and a personal statement regarding their clinical skill development.

Students are not able to register for this course without first being assigned to a section by the Practicum/Internship Coordinator (Dr. Tracy Chiles), and permitted into the course by the Program Administrative Assistant. Students are notified when these steps have been completed and when they are able to register for their assigned course section. Do not attempt to register without prior authorization.

NOTE: These applications are also used to determine how many sections of Internship will be needed for each semester. If adjustments to sections are needed (e.g., sections needing to be added or deleted), students may be asked to re-rank section selections based on adjusted sections. Dr. Chiles will notify all applicants if this happens.





♦Friday 2/14/25 - Friday 2/21/25♦ 

♦Friday 2/14/25 - Friday 2/21/25♦ 

Application ClosedApplication Closed
Apply online

These are time limited applications:

See note below …


!! Failure to submit an application during the application window may result in your being placed on a wait list. Section assignment for Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 CANNOT be assured for those placed on the wait list.

SUMMER 2025 & FALL 2025 Application Cycle:  You will submit more than one application this cycle if a situation below applies to you:  

*    If you are applying for Clinical Practicum for Summer 2025, YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT an application for Internship for Fall 2025 during this same application period.
*    If you are applying for your first Internship semester for Summer 2025, YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT an application for your second Internship semester for Fall 2025 during this same application period.

(f you are applying for your first Internship semester for Fall 2025, you will not need to apply for anything else but Fall 2025 Internship at this time. The application cycle for Spring 2026 Internship will be available in the fall of 2025.)


Apply Online Red

⇒ Start searching for internship sites as early as possible. Some internship sites require applications and interviews up to a year (2 semesters) before the semester you will be starting Internship. All site supervisors must be approved prior to the start of the upcoming internship semester. Students cannot start an Internship semester without a secured site and completed Internship agreement approved by the Practicum/Internship Coordinator, Dr. Chiles. WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY APPROVING NEW INTERNSHIP SITES.

The Guidelines for Internship document is below, and contains a letter of introduction from the Internship Coordinator, a Memorandum of Agreement, Proposed Internship Activity Plan, and Supervisor Disclosure Statement outline. The Guidelines for Internship document should be reviewed by you and also shared with your Site supervisor before you complete the required Internship paperwork.

Checklist below

Site Supervisor Resources

This capstone experience helps students to bring together academic understanding of counseling and the practice of counseling, while under supervision. Clinicians practicing in community and school settings have volunteered their time to serve as site-based supervisors for graduate-level interns. Resources are provided on this page for site-based supervisors.

Internship Guidelines Manual

A single document including all materials is available here:

Individual Internship Forms

Newly revised Memorandum of Agreement forms must be used starting for the Summer/Fall 2020 Internship semesters. 

A sample Memorandum of Agreement form is provided here for you to see what information will be required. Texas State University now requires the Memorandum of Agreement be signed by the CLAS Department Chair and Dean of the College of Education. For this reason, the form has been automated, and will be sent to each individual listed on the form via Adobe Sign by Dr. Chiles. All signers will have the ability to save a copy of the form once it has been signed by all authorized parties noted on the form. This Memorandum of Agreement form will not be accepted with handwritten information or signatures. Approval must go through the electronic signature process, initiated by Dr. Chiles.  

Student interns must have this MOA fully executed prior to the start of the internship semester. They will not be allowed to start at the Internship site without this executed MOA.   

For any additional questions, please contact the Clinical Director, Dr. Tracy Chiles via email.

Required Internship Documentation

⇒ Internship documents must be submitted prior to the semester starting (or continuing) an Internship experience. Dr. Tracy Chiles will email interns with due dates each semester for these documents. Each University Professor will let interns know whether original copies of documents will be required.

Reminder: Beginning in 2020, the Memorandum of Agreement must be signed electronically by the student intern, the on-site supervisor, the Practicum/Internship Coordinator, the CLAS Department Chair, and the Dean of the College of Education.

Students will use this electronic portal to submit the required Internship documentation throughout their Internship experience. Students MUST accurately name each document so that it is easily identifiable when uploaded. 

Submit the following documents before the semester begins:

  • Memorandum of Agreement (signed by all parties via Adobe Sign)
  • Liability Insurance in effect for the duration of the semester
  • Proposed Internship Activity Plan
  • Supervisor Disclosure Statement

Submit the following document at midsemester:

  • Midsemester Evaluation of Intern

Submit the following documents at the end of the semester:

  • Intern Activity Sheet signed by Intern and Supervisor
  • Final Log Signed by Supervisor
  • Site Supervisor End of Semester Evaluation of Intern
  • Intern Evaluation of Site


Sign with words Interns Wanted

Do you know of a site that would be a good fit for a TXST Professional Counseling Program Internship?  

In order to meet CACREP requirements, approved sites would need to be able to:

  • Offer 300 clock hours of supervised experience (direct client counseling and indirect work) each semester
  • Provide a minimum of 120 direct client counseling hours each semester (about 10-12 counseling clients each week)
  • Provide a licensed on-site supervisor who facilitates weekly one-hour individual supervision with the intern and is present at the site when the intern is on site (LPC, LMFT, LCSW, or PhD; Supervisor status LPC-S/LMFT-S is not required)
  • Allow video and/or audio recording of intern work (with client approval) for site and TXST university supervisors to evaluate intern skills
  • Offer opportunity for intern to participate in all aspects of work a counselor performs at this site (e.g., individual counseling and group counseling sessions, intakes, clinical staffings, documentation, site events)

In order for a site to be approved, sites should complete the NEW SITE APPLICATION at the link below. Dr. Chiles, our Clinical Director, will review the application and communicate with the site supervisor on next steps. If you have any questions, you can email Dr. Chiles.