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Spring 2025 Clinical Practicum 5689 Application

Spring 2025    SEMESTER DATES:  1/13/25 - 5/7/25

Your degree track determines how you are to fill out this form. Please read and complete carefully.

Email Addresses:

Note: Each section of Clinical Practicum will provide services to a variety of clients. Students are not required to enroll only in sections with professors from their area of emphasis. However, professors have different areas of emphasis and can promote depth of understanding in those areas. Please refer to department website or Student Handbook for program emphasis of faculty listed below.       

Please rank order your preferences for the following Clinical Practicum sections (1-3):

Comprehensive Examination

Note:  In order to enroll in COUN 5689, you must have passed the CPCE.

Courses Completed

Please indicate which courses you have completed according to your degree track.

COUN 5301
COUN 5305
COUN 5307
COUN 5316
COUN 5328
COUN 5350
COUN 5355
COUN 5367
COUN 5368
COUN 5391

COUN 5354
COUN 5358
COUN 5359
COUN 5369
COUN 5372
Elective: 3 hr
COUN 5351
COUN 5338

Intermediate Methods Classes

choose one:

COUN 5366 IM Adults
COUN 5370 IM Adolescents
COUN 5373 IM Play Therapy


If there is any other information that needs to be considered with this application regarding section placement (e.g., enrolling in another course that interferes with a particular Clinical Practicum section), YOU MUST PROVIDE THAT INFORMATION with this application. 

> > >  Do not assume that the Practicum/Internship Coordinator will be aware of individual concerns or that late notification of conflicts can be accommodated or resolved through alternate section placement. < < <

Required Documents:

2.) Attach a copy of all Professional Counseling Performance Evaluations (PCPEs) given to you in all required experiential classes (5354; and one of the following: 5360, 5366, 5370, or 5373).

3.) Attach a 1-2 page statement of your counseling strengths and weaknesses.

Policies for acceptance into COUN 5689 Clinical Practicum:

  • Applications are reviewed to determine completed coursework, including all prerequisites, and passing the CPCE. Excluded coursework: COUN 5351 for MCFC students, COUN 5338 for School Counseling students, and elective for CMHC students.  
  • Applications that are unfinished and/or incomplete will not be considered. Double-check and attach all supporting documentation before turning in the application.
  • Late applications are assigned to a waiting list and risk not being placed until the following semester due to these clinical classes having a capped enrollment.
  • Order of receipt of application will also be used in assignment to course sections.
  • Applications are NOT held from one semester to the next. You must submit an application for EACH specific semester for which you are requesting placement.