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Random thoughts….

Although all houses, apartments, restaurants, public buildings, universities, etc. have running water in the kitchen's and bathrooms, it is for washing and brushing your teeth only. It's not considered safe to drink tap water, unless you can't afford to buy water. Here you see a delivery of water. I pay 67,000 VND ($~2.60) for a bottle this size (~5 US gallons) and I go through one to two a month. I am being overcharged because it is provided by my apartment. When I run out, I take my bottle downstairs and they give me a full one in return. Last time I was here I lived in a house in a neighborhood, and I ordered 3 bottles at a time. My bill was $100,000 VND ($4.00 USD) for the three bottles - or about $1.30 USD per bottle.

Unopened blue 5 gallon water jugs piled up on sidewalk around a tree trunk next to a street.

Here is a picture of another very common child car-seat, or in this case “motorbike-seat”. This allows the driver of the motor bike to have their hands free. Their legs help hold the highchair in place and sometimes they are strapped to the motorbike.  The drive and any passenger over 6 must wear a helmet by law unless the motorbike is 50cc or under. This motorbike (a Honda Wave 110) is 110 cc. 

picture of motorbike in front of coffee shop.  There is a metal highchair strapped to the motorbike between the driver and the handlebars of the motorbike

Due to the recent loss of lives in apartments around Hanoi due to fires, all apartments must now meet certain safety requirements (e.g., fire extinguishers).  This “fire escape mask” showed up outside my door yesterday.  I'm on the fifth floor of my building. Escape routes: stairs, elevator (not be used in a fire), and out the window using my bed sheets an comforter as a rope.  Fingers crossed! as they say…

red box containing some sort of fire mask that will filter air.

Me: “Ten con chó của em là gì?” ("What's your dog's name?)

Grab driver (insert huge smile here) “Bún” 

Meet “rice noodle”!

picture of stuffed organge and white  toy dog on dash of car. Dog is curlred up sleeping. Face is on left

So one thing I have never understood is “outdoor water misters”??.  First, unless you are sitting directly under or in front of them, you won't get the effect as the water vapor won't land on your skin and act like sweat to cool you down. Second, adding humidity to the air in a humid climate like Vietnam is going to cool you down …how?? Normally (and this coffee shop near my apartment is no exception) you will see fans blowing on people to keep them cool. By the way, withing a one minute walk of my apartment (no exaggeration) are six coffee shops and three coffee kiosks. This is one of the coffee shops.  It is not where I get my daily fix of caffeine. The Vietnamese love coffee almost as much as they love tea (which you can buy in any coffee shop). 

building on right is the Uammi Coffee house. Up by the rain gutter is spraying water mist. There are motor bikes in front of the coffes shop. at the end of the alley is another business called Phan (orange sign) with motorbikes in front of it.

Have you ever been to Big Piney, Wyoming? I have.  Many, many times during my youth. It was on the way to one of our favorite deer and elk hunting areas.  Big Piney “and the adjacent town of Marbleton are spots in the road. If you blink while traveling down the two-lane, you will miss them. Somehow this t-shirt made it to Hanoi? When I see things like this I can't help thinking: ”I'll bet when the person silk-screened this t-shirt, I'll bet he never thought it would end up in Hanoi." I asked this fine young gentleman (well, my Vietnamese friend asked him for me) where he got this shirt. He said one of his friends gave it to him. He did not know where Big Piney was, let alone Wyoming, and he didn't think his friend did either. He just liked the color and the way the shirt looked on the back.

Man facing away weaing a red t-shirt. It has a picture of an elk and the words Big Piney-Marbleton, Wyoming in white.

"Đĩa" means “plate” so a plate full sparrows will cost ~7.50 USD (190,000 VND) and “con” means you get the whole bird. Our group opted for pigeon… everything else was out of season. 

menu showing choices for sparrow, house pigeon, and spotted dove.


a variety of eggs for sale on the street

Sticking with a bird theme for a moment…here is how eggs get to the market or to your home…

Below are brown and white chicken eggs, duck eggs (vịt lôn) and quail eggs (cút lôn) for sale in front of a store. The seller sits in the small red plastic chair with the fan blowing on them to keep themselves cool. 

a variety of eggs for sale on the street

You've heard about putting all your eggs in the same basket? The advice takes on a new meaning here.  This person is either delivering eggs to the grocery store or they will sell them off their motorbike in the neighborhoods. 

motorbike carrying stacked egg crates full of eggs

Western tattoo themes are very different from southeast Asian tattoo themes…

picture of motorbike passenger with face tattoos on the back of their calves.

I have seen very little painted graffiti in Hanoi, or anywhere else in Vietnam for that matter. The government here in Hanoi does not tolerate it as it is bad for tourism; and spray paint is expensive. This graffiti is all on one wall.

picture of graffiti on a wall
more wall graffiti on same wall




JULY, p. 9

AUGUST, p. 9


OCTOBER,  p.g 2,  p. 3, p. 4

NOVEMBER p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7

DECEMBER p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5 p.6, p.7, p.8

JANUARY p.2, p.3

FEBRUARY, p.2, p.3,  p.5, 

MARCH p.2, p.3, p.4 p.5, p.6, p.7

APRIL p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7, p.8, p.9, p.10, p11

May, p.2, p.2b p.3, p.4, p5, p.6 p.7, p.8

June 24, p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7,  p.8, p.9

July, p,2, p.3, p.4, p.6